Best Hospitals

U.S. News Best Hospitals 2014-15

We sifted through data for nearly 5,000 hospitals and results from surveys of more than 9,500 physicians to rank the best centers in 16 adult specialties from cancer to urology. Death rates, patient safety and hospital reputation were a few of the many factors we considered. Only 144 hospitals were nationally ranked in a specialty. The Honor Roll features 17 Best Hospitals that scored near the top in at least six specialties.

In Colorado, Children’s Hospital and the University of Colorado medical system were represented. If these hospitals don’t work for you, and you anticipate traveling outside the state, make sure you have a plan that provides a nationwide network. For Colorado that means you must purchase a plan from the following carriers:

  • Anthem BCBS (Off exchange, Bronze plans only)
  • Assurant Health (Off exchange, Catastrophic – Platinum)
  • Humana (Off exchange, Catastrophic, Bronze & Silver plans only)
    • Note, Humana only has a network in the states they sell plans in, so it is not truly a nationwide network)
  • Rocky Mountain Health Plans (On or Off exchange, Catastrophic – Gold plans)

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