Medicare Q & A | PBS NewsHour

This article addresses many of the common Medicare enrollment questions: Why later enrollment in supplemental Medicare can cause problems | PBS NewsHour

I particularly like this advice regarding Medicare supplement plan selection…

The best plan for you depends on how much you have to spend and how comprehensive you want your Medigap plan to be. It’s great that you’re in good health now, and I’m sorry to be a downer here, but Medicare choices should be driven by the likely health needs of the “future” you. For nearly all of us, that means more health issues, more doctors and more meds.

Also, there’s is a question about a gentlemen’s wife on social security and whether she is enrolled automatically into Medicare. The answer is Medicare enrollment is not automatic. This is incorrect if you are on social security. In that case, you are automatically enrolled into Medicare. If you ARE covered through your spouses insurance and would like to keep it, you can decline/postpone the enrollment.

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